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Parmesan Chicken Saltimbocca

Updated: Mar 20

Parmesan Chicken Saltimbocca offers a tantalizing twist on the beloved Italian classic. Picture tender chicken breasts, delicately rolled with savory prosciutto and adorned with a generous layer of grated Parmesan cheese. Each bite promises a harmonious blend of flavors: the saltiness of the prosciutto perfectly complemented by the nuttiness of the Parmesan. As the chicken cooks to golden perfection, the aroma of garlic-infused white wine sauce fills the kitchen, adding a final touch of elegance to this dish. Garnished with fresh sage leaves, Parmesan Chicken Saltimbocca is a culinary masterpiece that captivates both the senses and the soul, inviting diners to savor every delightful moment of their Italian-inspired dining experience.

Ingredients: (Serves 2)

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