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Red Wine Braised Chuck Roast

The ultimate date night dinner is here! Red Wine Braised Chuck Roast is so delicious and also super high in protein. This dish takes 15 minutes to prep on the stove and then you pop it into the oven for 2 hours to braise. While it's cooking in the oven, you can clean around the house, catch up on your fav show, or just relax! It's super easy. I serve this dish with creamy mashed potatoes, but you can serve it with cauliflower mashed potatoes if you want a healthier, lower carb option. This meal only uses one pot, as well, so it's super easy. I hope you enjoy this like my fiancé and I did!

What does 'Braising' mean?

It's really simple! You're just frying your food lightly on the stove in a neutral oil and then letting it stew/bake in the oven in a closed container for the remainder of the cook time.

Serving Size: 2 people (double if feeding a family of 4)

Total Prep Time: 15 minutes

Total Cook Time in Oven: 2.5 hours


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